Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Stepping Outside the Lines

Go to Outside the Lines now

At Windhook we are launching a new project that we want you to know about!
Outside the lines is Windhook's email journal about living the creative life. In the first issue each month, we feature an in-depth conversation with someone who's following their creative calling. We talk about the rewards and the challenges, the hurdles they've overcome, and that they still face. We talk to creative people in lots of disciplines with unique personal experiences. These conversations are a great learning tool, illustrating how unique, and also how common to us all the issues are. On the remaining Sundays, we send you articles about various issues common to living the creative life.
Here are just a few of the topics we cover:
  • Making the leap from traditional job security to a freelance creative life
  • Motivation and resistance—what makes you go and what holds you back
  • Making time and space for your work
  • Marketing and showing your work
  • The business side of the creative life
  • Creative ways to make ends meet
  • Resources for creativity that we have found on the web and in the world
For starters, take a look at the October and November editions here. And if you subscribe right away you will get all the new postings starting with our interview with silversmith Randy Stromsoe on December 4. Or at least sign up for the free updates to follow our progress.

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